Activating the Central Brain Could Make Child Genius?

Einstein has a three-dimensional high imagination. With him sat daydreaming can create an extraordinary theory of relativity. What makes Einstein could be genius? Really by activating midbrain can make your child a genius?
Nerve specialist Dr. Andrew Harry, SPS (K) now recognizes that many parents include their children for training midbrain or midbrain activation.
He thought, if the goal is actually a genius child become a very influential part of the brain is the cerebrum on the outside of the parietal cortex area.
Like Einstein, he has the parietal cortex of 1 cm larger than the normal person and have the same size between the left and right. Whereas in normal people are generally part of the left parietal cortex is greater than the right.
This makes three-dimensional Einstein has high imagination. This new invention known to the year 1999 in line with developments in science.
Dr. Andreas admitted to not knowing which parts of the midbrain which are activated to make children smarter because midbrain (midbrain) can not be controlled or autonomic.
Dr. Andrew explained that there were some parts of the human brain which have their respective roles.
1. Midbrain (midbrain)Midbrain is part of the brain stem that has a function as the core of eye movement and also in this area through the fibers that regulate breathing and consciousness. This activity can not be controlled or autonomic.
2. The cerebrum consists of the brain inside the brain and also outside.The brain inside (medial)On this brain section is comprised of the limbiks the system that functions to regulate emotion, memory center, set the visceral (digestive) and in the brain of this animal specifically for the olfactory senses. There are also functions as the basal ganglia that controls movement of the center.
Outer brain (cortex)In parts of the brain consists of four parts, namely:- The frontal cortex that serves as the center of attention (attention) and also talk.- Temporal cortex that serves as the center of hearing and also spoke.- Which serves as the parietal cortex somato-sensory center, the center of mathematics and also the center of three-dimensional imagination.- Occipital cortex that serves as the center of vision.
3. Small brain (cerebellum)In parts of the brain has a function as a center of coordination, muscle tone center and also the center of balance.
"In large and small parts of the brain, each consisting of right brain and left brain. In addition there is also a liaison between the left brain and right brain called the corpus callosum," said Dr. Andreas detikHealth when found in his office at Apartment Slipi 1st Floor, Tower 1, Jakarta, Friday (26/08/2010)
By looking at these brain parts could then known function of these brains. Dr. Andrew said if viewed in the midbrain (midbrain) then there's only fibers passing through the midbrain and the function of that part can not be controlled or autonomic.
So if that is meant to activate the midbrain midbrain, the part of the brain can not be activated.
Meanwhile, if the midbrain is activated is the corpus callosum (the bridge that connects the right and left brain), how to mengaktivasinya. Because according to Dr Andrew, still must pass through left and right brain. Whatever is done by the left brain and right brain will be sent to or otherwise be connected by the corpus callosum.
"Because essentially all the impulses received by the brain through the five senses of eye, hearing, touch, smelling and tasting as well," said a doctor who also practice in RS Gading Pluit.
Who also played a part in impulse reception is part of the brain and the brain in the outside, whereas in the midbrain (midbrain), only crossed by these fibers but not its function.
"If you want to make their children become smarter, so part of the cortex to be activated. Because there are centers in the area of mathematics, physics, drawing, singing and speeches. So to menjeniuskan child is to train the left and right brain are bridged by the corpus callosum," he said.
Also, every child has a central ability of different senses. There are children who have visual senses (sight) is better than auditory senses (hearing), so he'll quickly remember something in a way to see it.
So to know in advance which parts of the brain that are activated will let a child prodigy.

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High Calcium Milk Can Help Lower Weight Loss

Of Washington, Milk is often used as taboo for people who experience excess weight (overweight). But fat-free milk and high in calcium and vitamin D can actually help you lose weight.
A recent study showed that calcium and vitamin D nutrition on cow milk formula is very important in order to help you lose weight.
In a two-year study, found that milk drinkers have more health benefits than those who rarely drank milk. In these studies, more than 300 people aged between 40-65 years are overweight to participate.
Quoted from Indiavision, Friday (09/17/2010), researchers from Washington found that adults who drink milk high in calcium and vitamin D as much as two times per day for six months, will experience greater weight loss which averages about 12 pounds or 5.5 kilograms.
Researchers also found that each additional six ounces of milk or milk products (about three-fourths cup of milk), was associated with a decrease in the average weight of 4.5 kg over six months.
In addition to calcium, the researchers found that levels of vitamin D also have a positive impact in the success of weight loss and health body.
Researchers show vitamin D can help protect the body against diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease and certain cancers. In addition, vitamin D also can boost the immune system.
With the results of this study, the researchers recommend people to keep eating a healthy, active and high-fat-free milk drink with calcium and vitamin D every day, to help maintain healthy weight.
Results of recent studies has been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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Calorie burn with Cooking

Not only burn calories with exercise, because there are many ways one can take to reduce calories in the body. One was in cooking.
Cooking is an activity that could be unpleasant for some women, but this should be rethought. Because other than the people can be fun with the food produced at home, cooking can also help you burn calories in the body.
Activities to prepare meals can provide more benefit to somebody. There are two key findings from a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Quoted from News.MSN, Sunday (09/19/2010) This cooking activity can burn an average of about 139 calories per hour, the more food that is cooked then burned calories will also be bigger.
When someone cooking, he will get two benefits at the same time that he can prepare his own food to be eaten so that the cleanliness and health factors more secure at the same time he can also do physical activity to burn calories.
Calories burned already started happening since the person preparing the materials to be cooked, for example when he washed the fabric, cutting and smoothing ingredients to be used until he cooked ingredients into a food. More and more activities are carried out while cooking, it will be the more calories are burned by the body.
Besides cooking position also affects the muscles what will be trained by the body, for example, if someone cooking while standing so he could train and arm muscles are also foot. Whereas if he cooked while sitting, so he only just the wrist muscles such as frying or saute.

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Mud efficacious

Mud baths have long been used to treat rheumatism. But not only rheumatism, mud bath is a good way to release toxins through the skin detoxification alias.
Therapeutic mud is quite simple with only membalurkan mud in the body which if done could relax muscles, relieve pain, improve blood circulation and skin menghalsukan. Mud baths are also used to reduce stress.
Many environmental toxins are entering into the body. Toxins into the body can cause skin problems, frequent runny nose, chronic pain, low energy levels, allergies and other diseases.
Detoxification of mud is one of the most effective methods for eliminating toxic substances from the body. Romans have been doing therapy mud baths since 120 BC.
Sludge is the earth element that has therapeutic properties. Every region on earth to produce a unique mud appropriate geographical conditions.
Mud made from a combination of soil, dust, clay and water which is rich in vitamins, minerals and plant content. Sludge draw out excess heat and cold from the body. Dried sludge can also absorb so much used for cosmetic products.
The types of mud that efficacious as quoted from medindia, Monday (09/20/2010) are:
1. Dead Sea Mud (Dead Sea Mud)
Dead Sea Mud is claimed to be the best in the world that comes from the Dead Sea in Jordan. Dead Sea black mud is rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium bromide and organic remains of plants and animals. Sludge from here contains 100 percent natural biota of the Dead Sea have known therapeutic properties.
Dead Sea Mud is used to remove tissue cells that are dry. Helping improve the oxygen supply to skin tissue and remove toxins from the body.
Second. Moor Mud (Moor Mud)
Black mud is derived from the Moorish territory of Austria is famous for its healing properties. Mud here is formed from plant material stored thousands of years ago deep under the earth. This mud contains 100 percent peat Austria situated near the water.
Mud is odorless and contains extracts of more than 1000 plants, but not muddy the clay content of the clay for just 3%. As many as 97% of its content in the form of decaying plant containing humic and fulvic acids are high, bio-minerals, vitamins, amino acids, plant hormones and fatty acids. Mud here does not contain aluminum metal oxide which is considered dangerous by the therapists detox.
Moor Mud nutritious remove toxins, hydrate skin, reduce muscle pain, clearing acne, fight aging skin.
3. Volcanic mud California (Volcanic Mud Bath - Calistoga California)
The tradition of mud baths in Calistoga has been there since the days of Mayan Indians Camas. Calistoga is formed from a series of volcanic eruptions in the 2-6 million years ago. Calistoga found at the foot of Mount St. Helena and at the top of Napa Valley. The combination of mineral water from local springs and volcanic ash from Mt. St Helena is a key component of the Calistoga mud formation.
The combination of clay, peat and mineral water in the hot mud is good for relaxing muscles and joints, clean the dirt from the skin, soothe sore muscles, reduce stress.
4. Great Salt Mud
Mud from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA It contains minerals and vital elements in abundance. The water in this lake 6-10 times more concentrated than normal sea water which makes the high salt content.
This mud is used to treat psoriasis, eczema, sore body, or other skin irritation, also helps soothe reactive skin.
5. Hungarian Wellness Mud
Hungarian Wellness Mud is mud that is used to treat chronic diseases such as joint and spinal diseases, sports injuries, fibrositis syndromes, chronic arthritis and reduce stress.
Mud here contains more than 60% silicon dioxide, which helps strengthen the network. The content of iron and sulfur can stimulate blood circulation.
When used to draw out toxins from the body. Therefore suitable for detoxification, cellulite, rejuvenation of skin cells and clean the inside.
6. Mud Ischia Italy
Ischia is one of eight major islands in the Bay of Naples Italy. This volcanic island known for its hot springs and volcanic mud. Ischia mud derived from volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that contain sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium and sulfur.
Mud is suitable for the treatment of arthrosis, psoriasis, dermatitis, of eczema, respiratory diseases and digestive disorders.
7. Bad Wilsnack Germany Lumpur
Brownish-black mud in Bad Wilsnack Germany has been used to reduce back pain and arthritis for more than a century. Bathroom mud in Bad Wilsnack have healing properties because of the high mineral content.
Mud here is suitable for treatment of arthritis, skin diseases or menopausal problems.
8. Multani Mitti Mud India
Multani Mitti Mud or India Fuller used to cool the skin. This mud has been popularly used to treat skin during the summer.
Multani Mitti is usually mixed with other products such as oils and spices that are matched with the patient's skin type. Use of this sludge has to be right so that results can be directly perceived. If left too long, can cause dry skin.
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10 Ways to Healthy Birth and Batin

There are many ways to achieve happiness, including the physically and mentally healthy. But psychologists reveals there are some healthy ways to achieve inner and outer joy. Anything?
Everyone should want to be healthy physically and spiritually so that they can be free from stress and pain. This emotional feeling not only influenced by genes alone, but many other things that can make happy.
Happiness is one thing to be achieved by everyone, but without realizing many things can be done to improve the mood.
The American Psychological issued a report in the journal of Psychological Sciences, who revealed the secret of happiness, and breaks it in the ten factors.
In addition, the journal also indicate that there are little things that turned out to be the major key to happiness.
Only a small happiness turned out to be able to overcome various diseases more quickly and can prolong life even up to seven years.
GeniusBeauty quoted from Saturday (18/09/2010), the following 10 factors for happiness is:

1. Share the joy with other people
2. Analyze pleasant memories
3. Praise yourself
4. Focus on the pleasant sensation
5. Always think positively and think that you can do things better
6. Do activities you enjoy
7. Pretend to be happy despite the fact you're not happy in the atmosphere
8. Celebrate the big moments in your life
9. Keep the gloomy thoughts, fears and doubts
10. Say 'thank you' as often as possible

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Teeth As rubbing Wake After Sleep Better than Breakfast


Habit of brushing your teeth more appropriately done when I wake up rather than after breakfast. The aim is not to clean up leftover food, but prevents the formation of plaque or tartar.
Meanwhile, after breakfast it's not advisable to brush your teeth because the mouth directly under acidic conditions so that email easily eroded.
Brushing your teeth after breakfast we recommend waiting until 25 minutes after a meal, which at that time pH was less acidic mouth. But if a hurry enough to rinse or clean with dental floss.
How to improper tooth brushing is one of the main causes of sensitive teeth in indonesia. In addition to brushing way too strong and the selection of brushes that are too hard, when brushing your teeth too often inaccurate.
In a media briefing 'Sensodyne Expert Sharing' in the Hall of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Monday (09/20/2010), drg Robert Lessang, Sp.Perio exemplifies one tooth brushing habits are not appropriate.
According to him, brushing habits more appropriate thing to do when I wake up than after breakfast. The aim is not to clean up leftover food, but prevents the formation of plaque or tartar.
"After breakfast, the pH in the mouth down so that the risk of abrasion or erosion in the higher gear. You better not brush teeth immediately after dinner, give at least 25 minutes," said Robert drg.
Dental abrasion or erosion causes the outer layer of tooth enamel that is thinner, so that the dentin layer underneath becomes open. Dentin layers are directly connected with the nerves that are very sensitive if not protected.
Even if in a hurry, the remaining food in your teeth cleaned by dental floss enough or gargle after breakfast. Provided that when I wake up already brushed my teeth, then a new plaque begins to form again 4-8 hours later.
However, brushing your teeth regularly must be done regularly to maintain the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth. Dentist Robert recommends brushing your teeth at least three times a day.

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JAMU Prescription: Drug dysentery

Dysentery in general due to the inflammation of the stomach or large intestine, caused by amoebic dysentery bacillus, bacillus.
Dysentery germs get into the stomach with food contaminated by these germs. Flies are one cause of this disease. But human excrement is attacked by dysentery, can also transmit to others.

1. Discard the water continuously, but not exhaustive.
2. Slimy and bloody stools.
3. Waist ache.
4. Pallor, lethargy, lack of blood, and sometimes fever.
Disentir disease can be treated in the following ways:


1. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val) = a thumb.
2. Gambir = 10 gr.
3. Whiting immersion = 5cc.

All materials are crushed into one, given the cooking water and then squeezed and taken secukunya water.
How to use:

Drunk in the morning and afternoon to make more.

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JAMU Recipe: Potion to Overcome HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

Why High Blood Diseases can Happen?

Another name of this disease is hypertension, mean blood pressure or excessive blood pressure or abnormal. Hypertension is actually the result of the hard work of the heart to circulate blood throughout the body. If the blood vessels in the tissue throughout the body has experienced thickening and reduction of elasticity, the body will attempt to raise the pressure of the heart so that blood can last a normal distribution. However, this situation will cause a rapid heart lelahdan damaged, so the function will be decreased.
Cause was excessive fat foods, anxiety, inflammation of the liver, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Symptoms of high blood pressure as follows:

1. When you wake up, head back ache.
2. Forgetfulness and trouble concentrating.
3. Irritability.
4. Insomnia.
5. Quick tired and lethargic.
6. Sometimes difficult to urinate.

How to Treat Disease with High Blood Pressure Remedy Traditional?


Twenty flowers of lime, lemon two, and one tablespoon of honey.

Leaves and flowers of lime is washed out, then cut into pieces. Boil three cups of water until the water remained about one glass, let it cool. Then filtered, mixed with honey and lemon juice.
How to use:

Drunk three times a day with a dose of half a glass.

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