JAMU Prescription: Drug dysentery

Dysentery in general due to the inflammation of the stomach or large intestine, caused by amoebic dysentery bacillus, bacillus.
Dysentery germs get into the stomach with food contaminated by these germs. Flies are one cause of this disease. But human excrement is attacked by dysentery, can also transmit to others.

1. Discard the water continuously, but not exhaustive.
2. Slimy and bloody stools.
3. Waist ache.
4. Pallor, lethargy, lack of blood, and sometimes fever.
Disentir disease can be treated in the following ways:


1. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val) = a thumb.
2. Gambir = 10 gr.
3. Whiting immersion = 5cc.

All materials are crushed into one, given the cooking water and then squeezed and taken secukunya water.
How to use:

Drunk in the morning and afternoon to make more.


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